Installing electrical transformations at GSS,MSS

installing fences om MOTD2 project at west alqurna 1

fabrication puddle flanges at our workshops in hamadan industrial city

Insttaling solar lighting poles Bridge No 1, 3 , 4 and 5

BUFW III PO 4510094510 (RFS-FODLW-AWQ1584-022 Miscellaneous Civil Works at DS6 Degassing Station)

Equipment Rental for Mechanical Works

NECP Additional Requirements

Supply Caravans / Porta Ccabins for DS7

Splitting existing ECC Room at DS7 50 Main Office

DS7 35MW MPU#3 Foundation Construction)

Construction of North Security Berm Extension

Supply of Heavy duty Cage for Well Head Piping Protection (WQ-545)

piping works

Maintenace projects for pump


deminlization water plant

Provision of Scaffolding Services at Company’s Facilities in the Siba Contract Area

Provision of Repairs, Modifications, and Fabrication to Source Water Processing Equipment

mechanical work in CS2,CS3 & CS4

Providing Diesel
